39.4 x 39.4 inches
Mixed media on canvas
For adults
For children
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The Colors of Water
I am Water. Since the dawn of time, nothing on this planet has been foreign to me. I am everywhere. I am in everything. Without me, there is no atmosphere—only barren rocks and dust. No life. No trees or flowers. No children.
I am the essence of life, the thread that weaves every breath and animates existence. I flow through living beings, entering and leaving them, always moving. I am the fleeting, the ever-changing. Yet, I am so constant, so present, that you’ve forgotten to notice my colors.
You’ve taken me for granted, believing I was unchanging. But I am fluid, elusive. Each of my colors carries the memory of a forgotten voice. Listen, and you will hear the stories of the world. Let my tales pull you into their current: water is not merely water but a living legend, an endless journey at the heart of life.